Serving Type: Bottle
ABV: 5.2 Percent
Appearance: Bar Harbor Blueberry Ale pours a lighter shade of copper. It's almost an amber, but the deep purple highlights throughout the brew remind you that this is a fruit beer. There's a bluish-white head that is pretty foamy and has fair retention. Expect a decent amount of lacing on the inside of your glass.
Smell: This beer smells very, very sweet upon initial waft. Tart blueberries and a touch of maltiness flow in just behind that.
Taste: This is where it went wrong for me. The tart blueberry taste I expected seemed weakened. The maltiness I experienced in the aroma seriously lacked. It also came off as a touch too boozy for me. The ABV isn't the biggest number in the world, but I didn't expect to get much of it in this department.
Overall Rating:
This is a really appetizing brew when you look and smell it. When I drink a blueberry ale, I like a brew that's stained by the fruit, as most blueberry ales are. This one has that and the tart aroma. Unfortunately the blueberry wasn't active enough in the taste. I was expecting big things from this beer as I've heard raving reviews about it.
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