December 8, 2011

Beer Review: Bell's Winter White Ale

I've had a rough start to the season of winter ales. I haven't given a rating higher than two-of-five stars to any of the ones I've reviewed. Maybe that changes with the beer I'm reviewing today. This beer isn't one to be judged by its cover. Not to worry. Bell's Brewing has a good track record with me as the Oarsman (summer session) is one of my favorites.

Serving Type: Draft

ABV: Five percent

Appearance: Winter White doesn't look like what you'd expect any ordinary winter ale to look like. Most of them are in the form of a dark red or brown. This beer is hazy and golden. Just like a witbier, except that it's not. It's hazy and has a pretty thick, white head. The lacing on the glass is also pretty to look at.

Smell: It smells like a Belgian witbier, but with a few of the spices you get from a normal winter ale. The spices linger in your nostrils and sing a few Christmas carols while they're up there.

Taste: I think this beer has the perfect spice taste of all of the winter ales that I've tried. Something new that I came across is the slight hint of a citrus fruit behind all of the spices. Very interesting and creative on the part of Bell's.

Overall Rating:   

I really loved this beer. They say not to fruit your beer. I say that's a bunch of hogwash. Some of the best beers out there are brewed with fruit. It just so happened in this case that a fruity taste was just what I was looking for to compliment the spice of winter ales.

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