December 23, 2011

Beer Review: Shiner Holiday Cheer Dunkelweizen

Serving Type: Draft

ABV: 5.4 percent

Appearance: Holiday Cheer is a much lighter version of the dark ales that we're used to seeing in the Winter. You can even see through this beer. The head of the beer is very white and bubbly. The beer appears very carbonated.

Smell: Shockingly enough all I smelled in this beer was fruit. Mainly citrus fruits that you'd expect to find in a hefeweizen. There was also a hint of peach too. It really lacked the usual spice scents you get from most Winter Ales, but I was pleased to not have to fight through the spice for once.

Taste: The peach is very dominant in the taste. Behind that you can pick up the lemon and the orange. I tasted just a very small hint of spice. If I ever make a Winter or Christmas style beer this is how I want the spices to mix with the rest of the beer.

Overall Rating:   

Spoetzl Brewery really hits the nail on the head with this one. It sticks out from all of the other ordinary Winter warmers. I've also always wanted to try a Dunkelweizen. I never knew what it actually was. I've had Pious Monk Dunkel by Church Brew Works which is one of my favorite beers and I've had all kinds of hefeweizen brews. I really enjoyed this beer.

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