January 11, 2012

Beer Review: Flying Dog Road Dog Porter

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: Six percent

Appearance: Road Dog has a very dark body. Looked to be even darker than a glass of cola. Impossible to see through without any assistance from light. Even then it's still tough. There isn't much of a head, as it is slightly fizzy and disappears almost as fast as it's poured into the glass.

Smell: I got a lot of roasted malts and chocolate from this beer. I'm still learning to enjoy most porters, but must admit that the smell of this beer caused some mouth watering.

Taste: There was plenty of the chocolate and the roasted malts on the front end. In the back, there's a tad of bitterness which balances the the beer's flavors.

Overall Rating:   

I love reading the stories on the side of craft beer bottles and I loved that this beer is inspired by a Hunter S. Thompson story. The chocolate made this beer for me because it tasted like real chocolate, not artificially infused chocolate like a certain bock I had a while back.

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