February 9, 2012

Beer Review: Blue Point Blueberry Ale

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: 4.6 percent

Appearance: Blueberry Ale is a very light beer and it shows that very well. It has a pretty gold color to it, but you can still see right through it. You can also spot any trace of carbonation in this beer. The head is fairly white and foamy. Don't get too excited as it won't be there for long.

Smell: This beer's scent makes me think of the blueberry muffins my girlfriend makes me. There's that nice, sweet blueberry scent along with the grains and malts that help distinguish it.

Taste: I got a nice helping of blueberry on the front and plenty of sweetness on the back. There's a little more carbonation in this brew than i like, but doesn't mess with the flavor at all. Overall, it's very crisp and refreshing.

Overall Rating:   

I promised yesterday that I'd review it since I'm on a blueberry kick. I really enjoyed this beer. Can't wait to have one on a hot day after work in the summer. So sweet. So crisp. Great beer, but certainly not on the level of that blueberry blonde ale I sampled a few years ago.

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