February 22, 2012

Beer Review: North Country Squirrel's Nut Brown.

Serving Type: Cask

ABV: Five percent

Appearance: Squirrel's Nut Brown is one of the darker brown ales I've come across. It looks very thick and opaque. Since this beer was on the cask system that took me three years to notice the head was lively and beautiful. Very white and puffy. It lingered around for a good while and added a slight creaminess to the the rest of the beer.

Smell: I got plenty of dark malts from this beer. Behind that was a scent of both caramel and nuts.The head was so lively that I had to be weary of not getting my nose caught in it.

Taste: The dark malts and the caramel are dominant on the tongue. The nuts come in on the finish. I've also had this beer on regular draft. I must admit that the taste seems a lot stronger and darker when it's served on cask.

Overall Rating:   

I've been able to enjoy this beer both on tap and cask. I like it much more on cask. The beer seems more lively and flavorful that way. North Country Brewing is a bit forgotten due to it's location on Main Street in Slippery Rock, but its been known to put out some decent brews.

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