ABV: 5.1 percent
Appearance: The body of #9 is somewhere in between a dark gold and a very light amber. Head was very active and fluffy, but I've also had this on draft only to have no head at all. So, take what you can get with this one. On this particular occasion, the head fade away fast and there was barely any lacing left inside the glass at all.
Smell: A lot of people say they smell hints of honey and apricot. There is a small touch of sweet apricot. This beer also smells very yeasty to me. Plain as that.
Taste: This beer seems like it's a sweet tasting one at first, but the bitterness hits you on the finish. Reminds me of a roller coaster ride. The apricot is there all of the way through. The paleness and the wheat gets you on the finish. I can see why this beer has such a cult following.
Overall Rating:
A really interesting beer. For whatever reason it's different in bottle and on draft. It's fruity, sweet and you get a small surprise at the end with the paleness and the wheat. For me, this was one of the early craft beers for me like a Yeungling Traditional Lager was.
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