May 31, 2012

Beer Review: Rock Bottom Belgian White Ale

Serving Type: Draft

ABV: 5.3 percent

Appearance: Belgian White's have been one of my favorite beer styles dating back to my early days of getting into beer. I find the look of their fluffy, white crowns fascinating as they are in contrast to the rest of the beer's body. This one has about an inch of thickness in the head and it remained atop the brew for most of the drink. The body was an attractive orange and very cloudy.

Smell: This beer had a pleasant aroma of coriander and spice. I also got hints of wheat and yeast, which is what you'd expect when drinking such a hazy beer.

Taste: This is the department in which I was slightly disappointed. It might be partially my fault because when I fall in love with a beer based on its appearance I tend to develop high expectations pertaining to the experience that's to come. The spice hits you hard, but the citrus is lacking just a tad in this Belgian White. Aside from the taste, the mouth feel was very carbonated and fizzy, which I appreciated.

Overall Rating: PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

This was such a beautiful-looking beer. I was just slightly disappointed in the taste. I want to be smacked in the tongue with the citrus zest. it just wasn't in the cards for this pint.
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