May 29, 2012

Beer Review: Sierra Nevada Summerfest

Serving Type: Draft

ABV: Five percent

Appearance: Sierra Nevada Summerfest has a straw-colored initial body. It's almost crystal clear, as you can see right through it. You can clearly read something on the other side of the glass if you had to. The head is white, but very thin. You can spot a few spots of sticky lacing as you consume the beer, though.

Smell: Summerfest smells much like a normal Pilsner does, but has a few subtle differences. This beer features a floral aroma that I'm not too familiar with when it comes to beers of this style. It also developed a scent of lemon or citrus, along with that grassy scent we expect from summer brews.

Taste: I'm one of he biggest fans of that biscuity taste that most Pilsners feature. This beer had that, but I prefer it to be substantially stronger. The lemon and grassiness provide a slight sweetness to balance things out.

Overall Rating: 

When it comes to beers of this style, I prefer them to be a bit stronger. That doesn't mean that Summerfest isn't a decent beer to drink on a hot day. I was impressed with the sweetness in the taste that made up for the lack of biscuit/bready taste.
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