May 16, 2012

Recommended Summer Samplers

Sometimes a craft beer fan is searching for a good sampler pack that will last them a good while, and at the same time has quite a few options in terms of trying some different beers. The versatility of sampler and variety packs is a key factor that helps me hold them in high regard compared to just a case of the same beer. In my opinion, an entire case of the same beer sometimes can get old.

Since it's almost summer (mine has already begun) here are a few of my favorite summer seasonals you can pick up almost anywhere in the Pittsburgh area. If you're lucky you can even find these quite a ways from here.

1. Troegs Anthology No. 1- This is not only my favorite  summer sampler I try to pick up, it's my personal favorite sampler pack in existence. Two beers set this pack apart from any challengers: Hop Back Amber Ale and Sunshine Pils.

Both are among my favorite beers. They contrast each other in color and in taste, but have similar hop characters. Very tasty beers. Troegs also includes DreamWeaver Wheat and its Pale Ale. Dreamweaver is a wheat beer that gives you strong hints of clove and banana, while Pale Ale is a bitter compliment to all of the other beers.

2. Leinenkugel Summer Sampler- The pride of Chippewa Falls brings us my second favorite Summer sampler pack. This variety pack features two of the Leinenkugel's flagship brews in Amber Ale and Sunset Wheat. Remember, Sunset Wheat is the beer that's apparently internationally known as the "Fruity Pebbles beer."

The second half of the sampler includes the ever-so-sweet Honey Weiss and the very underrated Summer Shandy.

3. Great Lakes Sampler- As far as I can tell, this sampler is sold year-round, but I feel that it can be included on this small list due to the fact most of the beer that comprise it fall into the summer category. This sampler is also one of my personal favorites.

You also get four with this purchase, but the lone beer that's not exactly known as a good summer drink is the infamous Edmund Fitzgerald Porter. Dortmunder Gold is a crisp, golden lager. Burning River is a decent pale ale with plenty of refreshing citrus. Holy Moses White Ale is a spicy, Belgian White.
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