ABV: 5.5 percent
Appearance: Harpoon Summer Beer reminded me very much of the Original Lager found at the Hofbrauhaus in the South Side Works. The body is very golden. The head is bubbly and frothy. The bubbles are humongous. The liveliness in the head differs from that of the golden body, which doesn't have much carbonation at all.
Smell: This beer smelled somewhat close to a freshly mowed lawn with slight hints of citrus. The aroma wasn't anything to get overjoyed about.
Taste: I got a small hint of that bread/biscuit taste at first, but the weakness of the beer started to take over. Not only did the beer look dead it tasted as such, too. It felt and tasted very watered down.
Overall Rating:
This concludes the Harpoon Summer Sampler case I purchased a while back. I enjoyed the experience I had trying these brews, but wish I still had some left as another heat wave is upon us!
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