According to a post on Full Pint Brewing's Twitter account, the local brewer plans on implementing a new spruce beer into its brew lineup. Spruce, as it would be called, will be ready sometime in the next two weeks.
This is exciting news for me since I'm becoming a bigger and bigger fan of Full Pint's beers. I'm currently working through the brewery's sampler case which features beers such as Chinookie IPA, Rumplepilsner and White Lightning.
I haven't been disappointed with any beer by Full Pint. From what I can read on the label that was posted on Twitter, it doesn't look like this spruce concoction will miss at all.
Had a fantastic spruce beer that my mom brought to me from a trip out to Orgeon about 5-6 years ago and was pretty disappointed by Full Pint's offering. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't special.