Serving Type: Draft
ABV: Five percent
Appearance: Church Coconut Stout doesn't venture from the looks of your typical stout or porter. It's very dark. Almost black, but with a few brown undertones spread throughout the body. The head has a thickness of about half of a finger and is somewhat foamy. Other than that, not much carbonation is present. The beer does appear to be thick.
Smell: This beer's smell had plenty of nuttiness, chocolate and coffee, but I couldn't detect any coconut. With a beer named as such, you'd expect to have plenty of coconut, right?
Taste: This beer did bring back a few childhood memories. The chocolate came through magnificently, and fleshed well with a hint of vanilla that was also present. It reminded me of a twist cone you'd get at your local ice cream establishment. Again, the coconut was really lacking. I didn't get much of it at all.
Overall Rating:
The taste of Church's Coconut Stout wasn't bad at all. I enjoyed the mix of chocolate and vanilla. I just wish there was more coconut presence in a beer named as such.
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