ABV: 4.8 percent
Appearance: East End Monkey Boy has a chroma of pale gold. It's almost a straw yellow. It's very hazy and foggy. The beer has an impressive crown atop the body. It's a vivid shade of white and is fluffy as well. The head also leaves plenty of lacing as the beer travels towards the bottom of the glass.
Smell: First, I got an aroma of sweet banana bread. If you sniff a little longer, you can pick of strong hints of wheat and clove. This beer also smelled somewhat spicy and peppery. A heavenly aroma.
Taste: The clove and pepper sensation really pops the tongue when this beer is consumed. There was also a flavorful sensation of banana that comes through slightly on the front, while a tad of hop character complimented it on the back. The carbonation provides for an awesome texture, too. Sensational flavor in this beer.
Overall Rating:
This is one of the first beers I look for when I walk into a local pub or tavern. According to Scott Smith (East End's head brewer) there isn't any actual banana used in the brewing process! The yeast that's used goes a long way in creating that banana flavor that's there. The fact that there isn't any banana used in the brewing process just adds to the luster of this beer. It's sweet, spicy and has an awesome texture going down.
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