Serving Type: Bottle
ABV: 5.5 percent
Appearance: Kinda Blue pours a dark shade of copper that appears deeply stained with smashed blueberries, thus its dark blue highlights. The body of the beer looks very textured and appetizing with a good bit of fizzy carbonation. The head is off-white, slightly stained blue and starts off at the width of half of a finger.
Smell: I got plenty of grain in the aroma of this beer. There's also a sugary sweetness, which surprised me. There is a sense of the blueberries, but not as tart as I prefer them to be.
Taste: The grain smell I initially got in the aroma tasted a lot darker than I expected it to be, but it srongly got across that dessert/crust effect I love to have in fruit beers. As for the blueberries, the tartness that I could discern in the taste mixed quite well with the wheat grain that it was brewed with. Overall, a very pie-esque taste.
Overall Rating:
I was fairly pleased with this beer. I was surprised to be drinking such a dark blueberry ale, as I'm used to them being more on the blonde side. The dark grain was an interesting take. I just wish for more blueberry presence.
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