August 3, 2012

Beer Review: Flying Dog Sour Cherry Ale

Serving Type: Draft

ABV: 4.7 percent

Appearance: Flying Dog's Sour Cherry Ale instantly reminded me of the old Raspberry 7Up my grandmother would serve at the kids table during Thanksgiving. It was a slightly hazy hot pink with plenty of visible carbonation. The head was white and thin.

Smell: I got a strong sense of tart cherries at the initial waft. I'm sure this wasn't a sour, but it smelled pretty close. A somewhat strong backbone of wheat was behind the cherries, giving off a sense of cherry pie.

Taste: The tartness and sourness of those cherries was prominent in the beer's flavor. The wheat flavor doesn't kick in until the after taste hits. It's a very interesting flavor when the wheat finally mixes with the tart of the cherries. It reminded me of a pie crust, which is in my opinion the best part of any pie. This would be awesome as a dessert beer.

Overall Rating: PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

The body of the beer reminded me of pop or soda, depending on where you're from, but the combination of tart cherries and what reminded me of pie crust made up some big ground in the points department.
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