August 17, 2012

Beer Review: Wells Banana Bread Beer

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: 5.2 percent

Appearance: Wells Banana Bread Beer initially reminded me of an amber ale, but with a few reddish undertones. If features a thin, off-white head that remains atop the brew for most of the drink as a thin film. There is minimal to no lacing from this beer's head.

Smell: This beer smells very bready and yeasty. An appetizing aroma of banana and spice hits you after that. This smell reminded me of what most pumpkin beer's smell like, which is a plus.

Taste: I didn't get as much banana in the taste as I was hoping for. The bread and yeast translate well to the tongue, but the spice was a bit overbearing as well as a strong taste of booze which seemed to drain out most of the flavor.

Overall Rating: PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

Not an entirely bad beer. This is just a case of me expecting something way different than what I ended up getting. The alcohol taste was a bit stronger than what I'd expect and enjoy in a great brew. Aside from that, this beer does rank up there among my favorite bottle labels.
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