September 24, 2012

Monday Rant: Bell's Cherry Stout is Kaput

I heard rumblings of the possibility of this over the last few weeks, but it looks as if Bell's Cherry Stout is a no-go for this year due to colder temperatures in the Michigan area, according to Beer Street Journal.

I was lucky enough to come across a tulip glass full of Cherry Stout last year. I somewhat enjoyed the sour tartness from the Michigan cherries that are brewed into it.

Other than that, I'm disappointed that the weather didn't cooperate this year. Now begins the rush to procure what cases/bottles are still remaining from last year's batch. I know where an entire case is, as I saw it at a certain beer distributor just a week ago. As always, I'm not telling where the exact location is!

I'm sure this has happened before to quite a few other seasonal beers due to weather and crops not being friendly towards the other. It kind of reminds me of Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd. The with a sub-plot about orange crops and the stock market.


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