ABV: 4.90 percent
Appearance: Lancaster Strawberry Wheat pours adarkly-shaded gold with a slight haziness throughout the body. It's tough to see through.The head is thick and frothy, with above-average lacing. A very appetizing beer to look at.
Smell: The wheat character of this beer is very strong in the aroma. As for the strawberry, which you'd expect in a beer named as such, there isn't much present in the smell. There's a sugary sweetness to be found, but not much strawberry in my nostrils.
Taste: There's plenty of wheat and sweet malt on the tongue along with some creaminess thrown in there from this brew's head, but once again the strawberry is fairly weak in flavor. It's barely there and almost gives off a bitter sensation.
Overall Rating:
This is my second go-around with this beer. I had it out of a bottle the first time and almost struggled through it. I gave it a second chance and still wasn't thrilled. The strawberry in both the flavor and aroma aren't too prevalent and when it is, it's weakened and/or bitter.
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