October 31, 2012

Beer Review: Shipyard Pumpkinhead Ale 2012

Serving Type: Draft

ABV: 5.1 percent

Appearance: If you looked at Pumpkinhead Ale without knowing what it was the percentages say that you wouldn't guess that it's a pumpkin ale. The body has a goldish hue to it. It's slightly hazy and has a thin white head with pretty weak retention. When the waiter asked us if we wanted another beer his words were "More Coors Lights?"

Smell: There's a tiny bit of pumpkin in the aroma of this beer, but you kind of have to make a couple of attempts to even notice it. Not much spice hits you either.

Taste: Where the spices were absent in the smell, they are quite noticeable here. Some nutmeg and cinnamon are prevalent. Just when you think you're on the upside you suddenly find yourself looking for the pumpkin. which there extremely noticeable. I didn't taste much at all. This beer is really watered down, too.

Overall Rating: PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket 

This didn't go well for me at all. It comes off as a really light beer. The flavors and scents don't come all of the way through and the waiter thought my uncle and I were drinking Coors Light. I still encourage you to give it a try for yourself, though. You be the judge.
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