October 10, 2012

Benjamin Franklin's Booze

Portrait of Benjamin Franklin
Photo via Wikipedia
Since I posted my review of Poor Richard's Tavern Spruce, it's only fitting (since I'm a history geek) that I delve into a little bit of history gallivanting concerning Poor Richard himself, Benjamin Franklin.

Good God, was there something that he did that wasn't productive for the future of this country and the way we live our lives. He was among the many of our Founding Fathers in bringing on the American Revolution, he was the very first Postmaster General, invented bifocals and had a massive influence in the development of meteorology.

Poor Richard's Tavern Spruce is supposedly based on a recipe for spruce ale that belonged to Franklin. After checking under Franklin's entry in the Oxford Companion to Beer I learned two things. Franklin's first published book (as he did make good use of a printing press) had sections in it about three barley types: two row, six row and winter. Also, while he was ambassador to France he once returned to the colonies with a recipe on how to make spruce ale. Possibly the very one that Yards Brewing Company used in the brewing of Tavern Spruce, or at least close to the original.

Franklin was a fan of beer, this is true. Unfortunately, for most of you that like to sport a certain quoted t-shirt he liked wine more. Yes, that famous quote of Franklin's about how beer exists to make us happy possibly wasn't even said by him. in fact, it's taken from a letter to one of his personal friends in which he said something about wine. For more on that, head on over to Beervana. Aside from all that, he was a beer drinker as well. he also knew the importance of beer in our society.
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