October 22, 2012

Monday Rant: Let Yuengling Be

When I first became interested in beer, Yuengling Traditional Lager was that first beer other than the Natural Light and Coors Light you could find in the pubs around your college campus that you drank and reminded yourself that it's a damn good beer.

The bottle has a classic look to it. I don't see many with that green tint anymore. The beautiful brown liquid that houses itself inside that bottle is even better once it hits your tongue. Making it that much better was the fact that this product was made in Pennsylvania. There was always a sense of pride when it came up in conversation. Having family and friends just down the road in West Virginia, I witnessed some of the rejoicing when Yuengling was finally sold in that state.

Dick Yuengling caused a few ripples a few weeks ago when he said that Pennsylvania wasn't the best business climate in the world. He could be right for all we know. I'm not typing this to argue whether or not Pennsylvania (even a spot closer to Pittsburgh) is the best spot for Yuengling to expand. I'm just writing this to bring up the point that Yuengling has earned his and his brewery's right to do whatever he sees fit for his company.

Come on. Yuengling has provided the country with a nationally-recognized product. That beer bottle is pretty much a trademark, isn't it?

Yuengling has done enough. That brewery has done just about everything and more for Pennsylvania. If this supposed expansion occurs in another state, so be it. That's how the cookie crumbles. Yes, it could hurt jobs somewhat in this state, but I don't feel that it's Yuengling's obligation anymore. The brewery can do what it so chooses. I'm still going to be proud the next time I open a bottle of it. It will always be Pennsylvania's beer.

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