Serving Type: Bottle
ABV: 5.8 percent
Appearance: Smuttynose Pumpkin Ale pours a deep gold with a vivid orange hue. The head of the brew is white and fizzy, but fades away quickly. It does leave an extremely thin layer atop the beer for the remainder of the drink, though. There are visible amounts of carbonation in this beer, but I prefer a little bit more. If you follow my posts, you know that this year's batch is a completely different one than last year's!
Smell: The spices are dominant in this brew. Nutmeg and cinnamon are the most noticeable. There's also a sugary sweetness you get before taking in the pumpkin aromas. Overall, it smells like pumpkin pie, which hits the mark for most pumpkin ales.
Taste: When I first opened a bottle of this I noticed it looked different. It went even farther south for me when I tasted it. The spices were way too strong. The cinnamon and nutmeg almost start sizzling on your tongue. There's a tad of pumpkin up front that teases you, but fades away quickly leaving you to bout with just the strong spices. A nice bit of mouthfeel from the carbonation is just about the only plus in terms of flavor.
Overall Rating:
This batch is completely different than last year's Last year, it was much darker and the pumpkin was much more prevalent. After each sip you could taste the roof of your mouth and taste pumpkin. Now, it's just overly spiced.
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