November 15, 2012

Beer Review: Uinta Oak Jack Imperial Pumpkin (2012)

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: 10.3 percent

Appearance: Oak Jacked Imperial (there's that word again) Pumpkin pours a deep and dark ruby red and has a strong sense of thickness to it. the head is thick, frothy and is an off-white color. The best way to describe it is as a cream color. It will leave a ton of ample lacing on the inside of your glass.

Smell: I noticed some ginger and cinnamon in the aroma of this brew as well as some notes of pumpkin and graham cracker, but I'm sure you can guess what was really noticeable. Yes, the oak and booze. For however long this beer was aged in barrels, it really took on the characteristics of said barrel. Those two flavors are very pungent.

Taste: All of the flavors mesh sort of well together. The ginger, cinnamon, pumpkin and graham cracker hints give off an essence of pumpkin pie. The oak and booziness of this beer was just a little too overpowering for me. As the beer warmed those two flavors made it a bit of a struggle. That doesn't take away from the pleasant experience this one provided up until that point, though.

Overall Rating: PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

I've never been the world's biggest fan of oak aged beers even though that's the next big thing in the craft beer movement. Sometimes the essence of oak, bourbon and alcohol that gets  soaked up by these beers becomes a bit too powerful for my taste buds. It's calmer as the beer is first opened and the slight presence of that flavor is actually enjoyable for me, but as it warms that flavor takes over the beer.
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