December 20, 2012

Beer Review: Troegs Pale Ale

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: 5.4 percent

Appearance: Troegs Pale Ale pours somewhere in between a gold and a copper. There's a slight haziness throughout the body which also adds some attractiveness. There weren't a lot of bubbles floating throughout to provided any evidence of carbonation which helped to cast some doubt in my mind about the beer's texture. However, the head is white and frothy and had maybe a quarter of an inch thickness. It had above-average retention as the beer was consumed.

Smell: Initially, this beer had a strong aroma of grassiness. Some floral scents were also picked up. I was really reminded of being somewhere outdoors, most likely a forest. There was also a tad of yeastiness as well as a backbone of citrus from the hops.

Taste: I was worried that the hops would takeover the taste of this beer. I was pleasantly surprised. The hop character was balanced out by the hints of caramel on the front of the tongue. This beer finishes with an aftertaste that features the crust/yeast and that subtle paleness you look for.

Overall Rating: PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

The only qualms I have with this beer is the slight lack in carbonation, which limits the texture of the beer a bit, and  possibly an overuse of hops. Again, this is most likely just my preference because I'm one to always go easy with hops. Maybe a bit more caramel? Otherwise, an awesome and enjoyable drink. I'm rarely disappointed by any Troegs offering.
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