January 2, 2013

A Very Beery 2013

It usually takes me at least three weeks or so to correctly write the current year in dates once the new year begins. It looks as if I've successfully overcome this first obstacle of 2013 by getting it right in the title of this post.

A year ago I was one of those many New Years resolutionists that promise themselves that they will frequent the gym in the coming months. I've read a ton of users in my Twitter timeline complaining about the throngs of these folks in their health clubs already. I'm sure the numbers out there show that a good portion of these people don't fully keep up on their promises to themselves. Thankfully, I wasn't that type of statistic. I tried to drag myself to the gym at every possible time. I kept up on my visits and as a result I had to retool my wardrobe this Christmas.

As long as I indulge on a few craft brews here and there, I hope to be able to continue to visit my health club to burn some more calories up. Beerwise, my 2013 is already off on the right foot. My girlfriend is making it a habit to get me a mixed six pack of beer as part of my Christmas gift. It's been almost a week since my last post and that's because I was away visiting her and receiving that six pack of beer!

In it, I had two cans of Maui Brewing products (Coconut Porter and Bikini Blonde Lager). A brewery whose beers I've been trying to locate for a while. I've finally come across some and I'm excited to eventually crack these two open. Here's to hoping you have a wonderful new year. Oh yea, she obviously knows I'm a huge Star Wars geek as well.

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