Serving Type: Draft/Growler
ABV: Six percent
Appearance: Atwater Vanilla Java Porter is a tad lighter when it comes to porters, which are almost exclusively black. By lighter I'm still talking in a darker connotation. This brew was pretty much a dark brown. If I took some dark chocolate and melted it down the finished product should be something close to this color.The head of the beer wasn't too active. There was a very thin layer, but it did feature some of the biggest bubbles I've seen in a beer.
Smell: The aroma kind of reminded me of an upscale coffee shop. I noticed a few hints of coffee roast with some vanilla sneaking in behind it. Overall, the smell is in the dark and roasty category. The vanilla plays the role of a nice kicker.
Taste: Expect a rush of coffee up front and an above'average finish with the vanilla. I also got an unexpected touch of cocoa mixed in there with the vanilla sensation. In terms of mouth feel I was kind of disappointed in that regard. I expected this from the sight of the brew's head, but it does indeed not feel as thick as I'd want it to be. As us geeks like to say "we like a porter/stout that we can chew."
Overall Rating:
There's a good use of flavors in this beer. Usually you get a dark brew that has either a combination of coffee/cocoa or coffee/vanilla. This one provides you with all three. The two small misses for me was the lack of head activity and the weak mouth feel. Still, I'd be happy with another growler of this. Reminded me, albeit slightly, of Breckenridge Vanilla Porter.
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