ABV: 6.2 percent
Appearance: Lagunitas IPA has a body that can be classified as anywhere between a darker blonde and a gold. There was a plethora of fizzy carbonation present. The bubbles seemed to rush towards the crown of the glass with speed close to that of a DeLorean reaching 88 MPH. The head of the brew had a thickness of approximately three inches, but it was soft and had many large bubbles that could be popped easily. The head did end up leaving lacing that was really thick inside my glass.
Smell: The most prevalent scent in the aroma that I picked up was sweet and sourness of grapefruit. There was also some malt present that was on par in terms of sweetness with the grapefruit. A noticeable hop character also found its way into my nostrils.
Taste: The malt and grapefruit somewhat dominated the taste of this beer. Both gave me a great combination of sweetness. The grapefruit didn't give off too sour of a taste. There was an actual fruity essence. It was just right. The finish was the explanation point on this one. There was a slight hop kick that was followed by a crackery taste. Surprisingly, the hops did not dominate this brew.
Overall Rating:
I absolutely loved this. Lagunitas IPA might be the best IPA I've had. It wasn't completely full of hops, In fact, the hops worked well with all of the other fabulous flavors of this beer. I never once said to myself that I'd eventually want to purchase a case of an IPA. That changed the second I started drinking this one.
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