Appearance: This East End offering was a very crisp-looking straw gold and had one of the slightest hazes in the body. Very translucent, but it was there to provide some visual thickness. The head was very thick and fluffy, but it didn't look too compact. It wasn't a very dense foam. Very bubbly. Still, the lacing that was left inside the glass was thick and sticky. With the amount of bubbles, I didn't notice much carbonation in the body of this brew.
Smell: Initially, the aroma of this beer was very sweet and a little boozy. I also noticed some yeast character along with straw, grain, banana and clove. Very complex and layered.
Taste: The sweetness and grain flavors combined for a nice punch up front. Mid-way, the banana and clove added some spice to the overall flavor. It was quite a zing. There was a slight bitter hop bite on the finish that was also complimented by the clove. The spiciness of the beer provided for the sizzling texture with the lack of carbonation bubbles in the body. That more than made up for it. The alcohol content peaked through and bathed by throat on a warm finish.
Overall Rating:
I didn't take the ABV of this beer upon buying a growler of it, but I recall the number being in the neighborhood of 7.4 percent. This was an excellent drink. It tasted so good that I finished the entire growler in one sitting. Many interesting and tasty layers. Some nice spicy zest, too.
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