ABV: 8.65 percent
Appearance: Lucky 13 looked very much like a lucky beer (no pun intended) to have a vivid red color as this one did. It also had some orange-like highlights on the outer portions of the body. Overall, the body had a certain glisten to it. There was a foamy beige head of about two and a half inches that had amazing retention and web-like lacing. It eventually settled and remained at a quarter-inch layer of foam fueled by a ton of slowly rising carbonation bubbles.
Smell: I caught just a dash of caramel malt and that was the extent of what I got. Whatever else was present was heavily disguised by the intense hop aroma.
Taste: The taste profile sort of went in the same direction of the aroma. There was (once again) that dash of sweet caramel up front before a solid roasty profile. The hop bitterness seemed to dilute anything else that wanted to join in on the flavor party. This tasted more like an IPA than anything. This is supposed to be an imperial amber/red ale.
Overall Rating:
I've become a big fan of the brews that come from this brewery. I was a bit disappointed with this. Just too many hops. Just intensely bitter. Not floral or citrusy. It's a beautiful-looking beer, though. Color glistened and the head was nice and foamy.
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