ABV: 4.5 percent
Appearance: This blonde was indeed a "blonde" color. It was somewhat closer to a olden color, but with some orange hues mixed in some portions of the body. This brew was packed full of carbonation. The bubbles traveling upwards through the golden body. As the brew was able to warm, these bubble congregations turned into those beady lines I sometime see in Belgian beers. The foam was an explosive rush towards he crown of the glass as soon as I poured it. As fast as it foamed up it still receded nicely and in a timely fashion. For a second I thought this was a beer on nitro. What was left was some cake-like (as I always like to refer to it) lacing inside the glass. This lacing was quite thick and sticky. Almost perfect.
Smell: The aroma was almost dominated by this floral hoppiness. The brew was also a little sweet as well as a bit fruity and estery.
Taste: Overall, this had a thick feel to it. I got sweet malt on the front as well as some of the wildflower honey that was used in the brewing process.. The honey and the fruity esters that followed played very well off of each other. Some yeast character bounced in and out as well at that point. The finish was punctuated with that signature floral hop bitterness. The honey lingered for a good while in the aftertaste, which was an amazing yet tasty attribute.
Overall Rating:
This was a fabulous drink. I can't wait until I have the chance to try this again in the future. The honey was the key ingredient here, at least for me it was. It played well with the other aspects of the beer and it even lingered in the aftertaste. The carbonation was at an unreal level. Not outrageous, but perfect enough to enhance the beer drinking experience for me. It added that much more texture and crispness.
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