ABV: 7.32 percent
Appearance: This brew poured a nice golden brown with some toasty brownish hues. There was a mountainous head that could have been classified as either a very light beige or a white color. It had some amazing staying power and was strongly fueled by some swiftly moving carbonation bubbles. It was almost as if this beer was on nitro except that it actually came from a bottle. I peered in for a closer look at the head and visually plucked out some thick and fluffy lacing starting to cake the inside of the glass. Very visually appealing.
Smell: This smelled quite bready and grainy. A few roasted notes provided a toast-like essence (I realize that sounds entirely too geeky). There's some sweetness from the honey that was obviously used in this.
Taste: I was kissed by the honey quite fast up front. That sweetness quickly translated into that toasted grain flavor. With that came some bread notes of the medium to dark variety. There was also a slight bitter finish from the hops. The intense carbonation rushed into my mouth to provide an awesome layer of texture. The bubbles still continued to dance as I drank. I swear they even caused a tickling sensation as each sip went down. The after taste was dry and toasty (as in bread toast). I've never once thought a beer could resemble toast with honey on it. This did the job nicely.
Overall Rating:
This was absolutely amazing. This beer wanted to get dark, but still stayed sweet. Had an interesting grain flavor. Hell, it even had that dry scratchiness that toast seems to give you when you eat it. The honey didn't dominate, but only complimented the other aspects of the beer. The texture was among the best I've ever experienced in my few years of drinking craft brews.
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