January 17, 2014

Beer Review: Coors Banquet Beer

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: Five percent

Appearance: A very light gold color in the body with a decent amount of carbonation bubbles floating around in many directions. There was a slight haze that made me think there was actually some body to this, but it was just a tease. It faded away quickly leaving a weak golden color. The head was white and fizzy like pop/soda for a few seconds and fades back into almost nothing.

Smell: Sweet corn and a bit of grain. Slightly fry sent to it. Not much else to write home....or on here about.

Taste: The grain and corn flavors were very prevalent up front. I really couldn't pick out much else. The dryness of the beer helped a bit, though. The fizziness of the bubbles helped as well, but the fact is that it's kind of a watered down beer. Still, there's something about that corn flavor that is a little intriguing about beers like this sometimes.

Overall Rating:  photo RatingIcon1_zps0e61d2c9.png photo RatingIcon2BW_zps4fdb7f9f.png photo RatingIcon3BW_zps33c6fb82.png photo RatingIcon4BW_zps114f02d0.png photo RatingIcon5BW_zpsa8503bce.png

This is as light as I can go when it comes to beer. I always try to keep some on hand for when a non-fancy beer drinker visits. It has an obvious watery taste and feel to it. There aren't many layers of flavor even though I'm fond of the corn taste. The beer isn't very active in terms of foam or lacing either. A little crispness to it, but not much else.

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