January 27, 2012

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

Since Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. was in the news this week for deciding on a location for an East Coast brewery, I felt that it was fitting to review their top-selling beer this week as well.

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: 5.6 percent

Appearance: This beer looks like your typical American style light beer. It looks very crisp and golden with a thick white head that threatens to overflow the glass. It also appears to have plenty of carbonation. I love to look at a beer and watch all of the bubbles float to the top.

Smell: I got plenty of hops when I took a waft of this beer. When it comes to pale ales you expect to get a decent hit of some citrus fruits as well. The citrus was present, but ever so slightly.

Taste: I was surprised to actually taste a bit of floral sweetness in addition to the typical pale ale flavors this beer supplied. The taste was very balanced and very flavorful. None of the three flavors overwhelm the other, a rare characteristic in pale ales.

Overall Rating:   

For me, this was one of those beers that seemed pretty elusive. It was almost everywhere, except for when you wanted to try it. I'm satisfied that I came across it and wast actually able to try it for once. I can see why this beer is Sierra Nevada's staple brew.

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