February 28, 2012

Beer Review: Harpoon Chocolate Stout

Serving Type: Draft

ABV: 5.9 percent

Appearance: This chocolate stout has a dark brown to a moderate black color. It looks very well carbonated and has a fluffy white head. Expect lots and lots of lacing. The white color surprised me as I expect most stout heads to more of a tan or beige.

Smell: This beer has a very chocolaty scent. The difference from most other chocolate stouts is that this one smelled extremely sweet and sugary. It ended up working out as a nice change of pace.

Taste: Chocolate and more chocolate. I've become used to tasting flavors such as malts and coffee in stouts, but I failed to catch it in this beer. This was pretty much like cold hot chocolate with some booze in it.

Overall Rating:  

I guess it's alright to experiment with your tastes when it comes to certain styles of beers. You wont always enjoy someone else's interpretation of a beer. I guess that's what makes craft beer such a beautiful thing. Harpoon Brewery lost it's Super Bowl bet a few weeks ago, but didn't lose me as a beer drinker. I'd have this beer again. The sweetness was pleasant.
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