ABV: 5.9 percent
Appearance: Harpoon IPA is a light shade of amber. The beer also features a few golden hues within its body. The body appears to be very carbonated and features a fluffy, white head with some strong retention.
Smell: This beer smells somewhat sweet and floral. It's almost as if some honey is present. The hops and citrus that you expect in your typical IPA aren't very noticeable. The subtle sweetness in this beer's smell is a very interesting take on this style. I haven't come across that often.
Taste: The beer's taste makes up for what the smell lacks in terms of citrus and hops. The bitterness and the citrus hit you on the back of the tongue while the floral and the sweetness dominate the front. It's an interesting mix of flavors although I prefer more power from the citrus in this style of beer.
Overall Rating: 

The floral sweetness in an interesting path to take in crafting an IPA. I tip my cap for that, but I sometimes feel like I'm being shortchanged on the citrus as I am a huge fan of citrus in beer. Still a quality beer to pair with food though, as most IPA's are.
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