ABV: 7.5 percent
Appearance: Commodore Perry IPA is a beautiful shade of orange. It's look is one that I haven't seen in many other beers. Very attractive. The head is white, foamy and bubbly. it also was a fairly weak retention. It will fade and become weaker as soon as you begin to drink the beer. The next thing you know, it's just a thin white layer on the crown of the beer.
Smell: This beer smells very piney and boozy at first waft. The alcohol scent is very strong, as evident by the high ABV. Some malts and a sour aroma of grapefruit also make their way out of this beer. Not exactly my preference, but an interesting take nonetheless.
Taste: Really, really bitter. There's a load of citrus and hops that feels like a punch in the mouth. There's also plenty of bitterness on the finish. It's somewhat what I expected from this beer, with it being brewed by Great Lakes Brewing Co. I'm used to drinking beers with potent flavor and strong hop character from this brewery.
Overall Rating:
I love quite a few of the Great Lakes lineup, but this one was a little rough for me in the taste department. If you're a fan of intense bitterness and a strong hop taste this beer might be up your alley. Wasn't exactly my type, though.
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