An interesting link I came across over at Beer Street Journal announced an interesting anecdote as well as striking a chord in my mind. Beer Street Journal's news is that Lagunitas Brewing Company plans to implement its seasonal Lagunitas Sucks Holiday Ale into the year-round rotation.
The chord that was struck was a thought that maybe some other breweries should take the same approach with some of their own popular seasonal beers. I think that it's an interesting question. How would some of you hop heads out there enjoy having Bells Hopslam or Troegs Nugget Nectar all year long at your local drinking tavern?
I'm also interested in knowing if certain brewers have at least thought about a proposition as such. Would in be beneficial financially or would it make them take a hit?
I'm the type that appreciates and enjoys the wait for said beers. There's nothing like having a pumpkin ale during the fall or around Thanksgiving dinner. I'm sure some of you enjoy a good number of winter warmers aside the fireplace on nippy evenings. The problem in my eyes is that drinking either of those two styles on a hot day after work in the summer is somewhat pointless.
I can understand that some brewers are forced to only produce certain beers at certain times of the year due to ingredients such as ingredients, etc., but it's definitely an interesting proposition to consider.
I don't know of any other breweries in particular that decided to convert a popular seasonal beer into one that sells all year long, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a slight domino effect after reading this Lagunitas news.
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