Serving Type: Can (Free sample from brewer)
ABV: 5.8 percent
Appearance: Skilak Scottish Ale pours a dark chroma of brown. The body is a murky abyss. It appears to be so thick that not much carbonation is visible traveling towards the crown of the beer. Where the carbonation is plenty visible is the head, which is an off-white beige color and has a decent thickness to it. Not the most appetizing beer in the world judging strictly by how it looks.
Smell: This gives off quite a few pleasant aromas. The smell that was the most dominant was a scent of what seemed to be smoked peat. I'm serious. Some toasted malt and sweet caramel came in behind that initial scent. The aroma of the beer made up for lost points in the appearance department.
Taste: The sweetness and smokiness mix really well in this beer. No flavor is more dominant than the other and for a Scottish Ale, I think that's important if you prefer it to be smoother like Skilak Scottish.
Overall Rating:
This beer and I didn't get off to the best of starts as soon as I poured it. I've had a torrid history with Scottish Ales as they come off too strong for my tastes, but I was glad this beer came into my hands. It was a lot milder than ones I've had in the past and had an interesting combination of flavors.
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