September 18, 2012

Beer Review: Full Pint Chinookie IPA

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: 6.2 percent

Appearance: Chinookie IPA pours somewhere inbetween a pretty shade of red and orange. It has a cloudy, hazy look to the body and features a foamy white head that has half of a finger thickness. The beer's haziness seems to screen any visible carbonation flowing to the head of the beer. Otherwise, the head and colors of the beer complement each other very well.

Smell: Much citrus. Very piney. This beer as an enormous and deep grapefruit aroma, which to me is somewhat different fro the usual orange citrus notes you get from India Pale Ales. The pine is a nice and spicy compliment to the sour fruitiness of the brew.

Taste: Both the grapefruit and pine combine for a great flavor. The beer tastes sour (you have to love grapefruit bitterness in order to take this) at first and then tingly on the finish. A touch of breadiness smooths everything out. If you don't like grapefruit, then you'll struggle through this.

Overall Rating: PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

I like this beer because it's just different than you're usual IPA. I love that there's a note of grapefruit that eminates from the hops used during the brewing process.
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