September 19, 2012

CNN Says It's IPA Time

English: Hop (Humulus lupulus) vines on a haze...
Yea, try not to over-use that.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
CNN currently has a new beer column being written on its Eatocracy section of the website. I've been following the last few posts or so and came across an interesting one last evening. According to Nathan Berrong (the author of the column), India Pale Ales are currently the drink of choice right now for craft beer drinkers such as ourselves.

I've always been open about it. IPA's aren't exactly my drink of choice. Provide me with three pints of beer, one of them being an IPA, the chances are I'm selecting one of the other two. Now, there our some very drinkable IPA's out there. I just find the fact that they were hopped in order for the beer to survive a journey on a humid, cramped wooden ship over a number of weeks or months a tad overbearing.

The amazing use of hops just turns me off sometimes. I prefer a hop character that's more of a compromise. I'm not doubting the popularity of the style at all because they certainly are among the beer community. I just would prefer a pumpkin ale at this point in the year.

All of you can drink all of the IPA's your hearts desire. More pumpkin for me!
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