ABV: 5.4 percent
Appearance: Yuengling Oktoberfest pours a deep amber, which isn't typical of most Oktoberfests I've had the past few years. It reminds me of the amber color that Yuengling Traditional Lager has. It also features the bubbly white head we love with Yuengling's flagship beer. Already, we can see homage paid to one of the great beers of Pennsylvania. The only qualm I have is that you can somewhat see through the beer (If you look closely I have this in a Coors Light pint glass (Apologies, but it was a long day prior to drinking this) I prefer a darker color in this style.
Smell: This beer's aroma consisted of strong roasted grain. This is something I've come to adore in the Traditional Lager as well. Notes of sweet caramel dance in your nostrils too.
Taste: The caramel is sweet and spicy on the front of the tongue. The strong roasted grain helps out with a smooth finish. The grain taste is very similar to the Traditional Lager taste when it's consumed from the bottle. It's very close to a strong roast in a cup of coffee. It's slight, but you notice that it's there. (Yuengling on draft tastes different to me). I didn't get a good amount of hop character on the back of the tongue when drinking this one. The flavor was just a tad weaker than I prefer.
Overall Rating:
Overall, not a bad beer. I'm happy I have a case of this. I love that Yuengling decided to brew an Oktoberfest. Looked everywhere for it last year in pubs, but couldn't get a drop. I like that this beer is similar to the flagship, but would have preferred it set itself apart. The flavors need to come together a little bit more.
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