October 24, 2012

New Civil War Beer Series

I'd hate to harp on the subject of history and beer once again, but when you really think about it beer is a huge part of world history. So, when I catch news of new beers like Frederick's Monocacy Brewing I get a bit excited.

Taken right down the street from Brewer's Alley in Frederick.
If you take a look at this article from the Frederick News Post, you'll see that Monocacy, Brewers Alley and the National Museum of Civil war Medicine have all combined to begin a series of up to nine beers celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Civil War.

Apparently the first of the possible nine is out. It's called Antietam Ale and was made in time for the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Antietam which was just last month. From what I read in the article, the beer seems to have a nice hop kick, but with a sessionable ABV.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the beers in this Civil War series will be and how some of the beer styles relate to their namesakes. I especially can't wait for the Gettysburg one, but you pretty much assumed that already, right?
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