November 8, 2012

Beer Review: Southern Tier Creme Brulee

Serving Type: Draft

ABV: 9.6 percent

Appearance: Southern Tier Creme Brulee pours a thick black. Just straight black. I couldn't pick up any other highlights such as a brown or red within the body. It looks like something you can chew. It's head provides an inch thickness, is more fizzy than thick and is an attractive shade of beige.

Smell: This beer smelled like some sort of an epic dessert. Good thing I had it after my meal. Vanilla is the most dominant aroma. Caramel and chocolate hints followed that up. Overall, the three aromas are extremely sweet.

Taste: Amazingly sweet. I can do sweet, but not too much of it. This has a ton. As it warms, it just becomes too much for me. That doesn't mean it's the beer. I'm like that with anything. Otherwise, the vanilla and chocolate are prominent on the front. There's also something roasty about this brew's flavor. I'm not entirely sure if it was a dark chocolate or coffee taste that was hidden somewhere in there. The darkness in flavor is almost a welcoming feeling. You're not completely consumed in sugary sweetness.

Overall Rating: PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

This is a really complex beer. If you can handle the sweetness, I suggest you try it. If you've got a sweet tooth this could be right up your alley. Milk Stouts are definitely something I'm looking into exploring a bit more.
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