January 15, 2013

Beer Review: Bell's Amber Ale

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: 5.8 percent

Appearance: Bell's Amber Ale pours exactly what the label says it's going to be! Still, it's an attractive shade of amber. Only qualm I have about the appearance is that it does appear a bit murky. It kind of resembled mud. The head was frothy and a clear white. The retention of the head wasn't the best in the world, but you'll find a decent amount of lacing.

Smell: There was plenty of action in this beer's aroma. I got plenty of malts, which consisted mainly of caramel. I also picked up bitter scents of hops and pine. I couldn't believe it, but I could have sworn I picked up the slightest hint of lemon/citrus.

Taste: Expect a rush of sweet malts on the front of your tongue. As for the back, I got an awesome bitter sensation which must have been from both the pine and the hops. I didn't notice much carbonation in the brew's appearance due to the murkiness, but it definitely translated to a textured mouth feel.

Overall Rating: PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

I hold a good number of Bell's beers in high regard. I'd usually give beers with an appearance such as this one a rating of three mugs, but since Bell's pretty much always puts a quality product out there I'll give the brewery the benefit of the doubt. The aroma and taste of this brew were both pretty amazing. The pine worked well with the hop content for a crisp finish.

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