January 23, 2013

Beer Review: Shiner Bohemian Black Lager

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: 4.9 percent

Appearance: Bohemian Black Lager appears as if it's straight black, but if you take a closer look it's closer to more of a very dark brown. The head of the brew is about as thick as half of one of your fingers. The color is a little past beige, but looks most like a light brown. It has above-average retention and will leave a foamy thin layer as you progress through the drink. There is carbonation present, but it provides an interesting visual. The body of the beer is dark to the point that any of the carbonation bubbles are visible within a half-inch of the head.

Smell: The best way to describe the aroma of this brew is very dark and very roasty. A slight hint of dark coffee is also present.

Taste: Once again the dominant flavors are ones that are dark and roasted. The coffee especially translates to the tongue well. There is also a slightly bitter hop character on the finish. An interesting note on this beer is the fact that it looks thick and heavy like a stout or a dark porter, but on the tongue it tastes and feels much lighter.

Overall Rating: PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

Spoetzl Brewery and I got off to a bad start when I first had Shiner Bock, but I've had a few pleasant experiences since with Wild Hare Pale Ale and this Bohemian Black Lager. Surprisingly this tasted and seemed lighter, which was a surprise (albeit a positive one). This would have went well with a nice steak or another similar meat.
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