April 12, 2013

Beer Review: Victory Golden Monkey

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: 9.5 percent

Appearance: If you follow me on Twitter, you might already know that I've had my struggles with this beer within the few times I've tried it. In this particular instance this beer came out of the bottle looking fabulous. It had a lovely golden body just as the beer's name describes. There was also plenty of that Belgian-style carbonation in which the bubbles follow each other in miniature bubble trains. The head was towering above the rest of the beer. It was thick, frothy and perfectly found the rim of the glass before settling down.

Smell: This brew smelled mainly grassy and peppery. I was also able to pick out something that was a little sweet and sugary, but I couldn't figure out what it was exactly. Also, with such a high ABV I wasn't surprised that some alcohol announced its presence.

Taste: Bear with me on this one. Everything usually goes great with this beer until I actually have to drink it. I had this on draft once and it was quite watery for whatever reason. This time it was very yeasty and even more boozy. It was rough. I almost wanted to have a side glass of water to ease it down. There was plenty of the fluffy head remaining to provide a thin layer of creaminess, but this beer is really strong on my tongue.

Overall Rating:  photo RatingIcon1_zps0e61d2c9.png photo RatingIcon2_zpsff51de97.png photo RatingIcon3_zps6147479d.png photo RatingIcon4BW_zps114f02d0.png photo RatingIcon5BW_zpsa8503bce.png

I'm sure this is a popular one with many fellow beer geeks out there. I usually can only give beers that I struggle through like this a one or two rating, but this can be an an exception. This is obviously a good product as evident by the way it looks and acts. It's a fabulous looking brew. I'm still developing my taste for the Belgian styles. Maybe I'm just not ready for this one yet?

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