April 15, 2013

Monday Rant: What the Hell is on Your Face?

I remember exactly where I was when I came up with the idea to do this series of posts at the beginning of each week. I was sitting in Slippery Rock University's Bailey Library ready to write about something concerning my feelings towards malt liquor. Well, it looks like the Monday Rant that I write each week has spread a few wings.

Justin over at Justin's Brew Review, one of my online beer friends, has taken it upon himself to partake in the young tradition of writing beer rants. His subject? Miller Lite's claim of having a beer that's "triple hops brewed."

For the last few years I've found myself confused when hearing such a phrase during Miller Light commercials on television. I'm sure you have, too. The ironic thing is that the majority of us craft folk had to have Miller Lite at some point to know that it's not really that tasty. To be honest, I don't see where the hell they were going when they decided to start throwing that phrase out there. I don't get a sense of much hops at all with my experiences with Miller Lite. To quote one of my uncles, it tastes more like rusty water.

I have a friend that is a blue collar person. He enjoys drinking Miller Lite, Blue Moon etc. To each his own. I once took him to a local craft pub. He had about three beers. One of which I remember being Oskar Blues G'Knight. The other was called Farmer's Tan, but I don't remember who made it. About half way through this drinking session my friend developed a runny nose. He started sneezing. He also had hives break out on his face and neck.

It turns out he is allergic to hops. Go figure. Triple hopped? More like triple riced. The good news is that he ended up actually appreciating some craft offerings.

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