September 27, 2013

Beer Review: Voodoo Wynona's Big Brown Ale

Serving Type: Bottle

ABV: 7.3 percent

Appearance: This was a very dark an rustic-looking brown color that had tones of both black and the dark red variety. Carbonation bubbles were only visible to my eyes when I peered in really close to the glass. Most of them seemed to congregate around the somewhat thin beige head. The lacing from the head was also a tad thin, but it had some bubbles in it and seemed to hang on the sides of the glass when it was tilted.

Smell: The aroma of this brew was very similar to coffee. There was a mocha-like scent to it. It was even a little chocolaty and had a roasty feel to it to back up the sweet notes.

Taste: I initially picked up on the chocolate/mocha/coffee profile that I noticed in the aroma. These sound dark and thick, but they surprisingly played a little light in flavor. They weren't too heavy. These flavors also acted very smooth. It seemed almost as if this was an alcoholic hot chocolate. The hop content was fairly strong, but the roastier flavors of the brew force the hops to only act as a compliment. The booziness of this did tend to creep more into the flavor as it came closer to room temperature.

Overall Rating:  photo RatingIcon1_zps0e61d2c9.png photo RatingIcon2_zpsff51de97.png photo RatingIcon3_zps6147479d.png photo RatingIcon4_zps8072c052.png photo RatingIcon5_zps6e4351aa.png

The fact that I was reminded of hot chocolate sent this one in the record books, in my eyes. This was strong enough, but also perfectly smooth. The dominant aspects that tend to ruin darker beers didn't take this brew over. The hops and alcohol content were present just enough. Such a great brown ale. One of the best I've had within the style.

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