January 28, 2014

Microcosms and Mass Hysteria

I've long wrote about the cluster and mass hysteria that is the craft beer public when it comes to the release of big-time seasonal brews. That includes the likes of Kentucky Breakfast Stout and Nugget Nectar. It even includes the one beer that some of you flock to the most - Bells Hopslam. All three of which I couldn't care less about. I once bought the hype with both Nectar and Hopslam and left severely disappointed with blow-torched sinuses. As for KBS, I haven't felt that it's worth it to physically shove people out  of my way to actually try it at a release event.

So, when I see a story with a bottle shop employee allegedly buying up all of a grocery market's Hopslam supply, or most of it, I have to laugh. I also have to look at this as one big microcosm (I love using that word) of the insanity that ensues when some of these hard-sought beers are released. I found a detailed version of this event via BeerGraphs. There you can find all of the proper linkage to put together everything in this mess.

If what's being speculated is true, it brings more light on to that "Is Craft Beer a Bubble?" conundrum. How far can this go? If what most of us think happened actually did, this bottle shop bought up an entire supply at a market instead of a wholesale distributor and most likely planned on selling it at a mark-up. Folks, I think that's illegal in most states.

Dogs and cats living together...

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